Prolactin (PRL) RIA Test Kit

Prolactin (PRL) RIA Test Kit

The Diagnostic Automation PRL RIA test kit is for the quantitative determination of human Prolactin (PRL) concentration in human serumMaterials provided with PRL RIA Test Kit:

  • 1. Coated Tubes: Anti –PRL monoclonal Antibody (100 tubes)
  • 2. Anti- PRL monoclonal antibody Labelled with I 125 (Tracer I125)
  • 3. PRL test reference standard set, contains 0, 2.5, 5, 25,50, 100, 200. ng/mL, ready for use
  • 4. Control serum: PRL in serum with preservatives(1Vial, 1 ml)
  • Materials Required, not Provided:
  • 1. Precision pipettes
  • 2. Distilled or deionized water
  • 3. Gama counter